Franklin Blvd. Mural Reproductions
The Franklin Neighborhood Development Corporation (FNDC), in partnership with the City of Sacramento Public Works Department, is pleased to announce a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for two mural opportunities.
These artworks are part of a Beautification Project for the Franklin Boulevard area, funded through a Clean California grant from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans.) The larger project includes murals and other artwork and street improvements along 21st Avenue. Continue reading below for more details about the two projects.

About the Project
In 2014, the Developmental Disabilities Service Organization (DDSO) installed four creative tile murals on a highly visible storage building at 5151 Franklin Boulevard. Unfortunately, the murals have been destroyed by weather and vandalism and the building is slated for demolition. FNDC’s goal for these projects is to create a lasting remembrance of the former tile murals by reproducing two of them as painted murals along Franklin Boulevard. The two mural projects are described in more detail below.
This RFQ
The RFQ is open to any artist based in the Sacramento area who demonstrates the ability and experience to successfully execute one of the two projects. Artists living in or with experience with Oak Park, North City Farms, the Franklin District, or South Sacramento are particularly encouraged to apply. Consideration will also be given to artists who have not already painted a mural in the area on/around Franklin Boulevard between Broadway and 38th Ave. We recommend that interested applicants visit the project sites to gain a better understanding of the context for the two different projects.​
Process and Criteria for Selection
A panel will review application materials and work samples and select finalists to interview before choosing the artist for each of the two projects. They will evaluate artwork/painting quality, mural experience, capacity to engage with FNDC and property owners on final design, and capacity to complete the project on time.
How to apply
All interested candidates can apply below with the ‘Apply Here’ button. You will need a Google account to upload files. (If you have a problem accessing the link, try using Chrome or Edge as your browser.)
As an Applicant,
You will be asked to submit your:
Contact information (name, address, email, phone number) and which project(s) you are interested in
A letter of interest in .pdf format. In the letter, briefly explain your qualifications, artistic experience, experience engaging with property owners or agencies on design, and your connection if any with Oak Park, North City Farms, the Franklin District, and/or South Sacramento.
CV or Resume (2 page maximum)
Portfolio (5 image files of recent work, only one work or project per file). The images need to be JPEG, or PDF labeled with your last name, first name, and title (LastName_FirstName_Title.jpg / LastName_FirstName_Title.pdf).
Three Professional References (Name, Title, email, phone number)
Is there a deadline for applying?
Yes, applications are due by Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 11:59 pm. There is no submission fee.
Proceso y criterios de selección
Un panel revisará los materiales de solicitud y las muestras de trabajo y seleccionará a los finalistas para entrevistarlos antes de elegir al artista para cada uno de los dos proyectos. Evaluarán la calidad de las obras de arte/pintura, la experiencia en murales, la capacidad de interactuar con FNDC y los propietarios en el diseño final y la capacidad de completar el proyecto a tiempo.
Cómo aplicar
Todos los candidatos interesados pueden postularse a continuación con el botón 'Aplicar aquí'. Necesitará una cuenta de Google para subir archivos. (Si tiene problemas para acceder al enlace, prueba a usar Chrome o Edge como navegador).
Como solicitante,
Se le pedirá que envíe su:
Información de contacto (nombre, dirección, correo electrónico, número de teléfono) y en que proyecto(s) le interesan
En la carta, explique brevemente sus calificaciones, experiencia artística, experiencia trabajando en diseño con propietarios o agencias, y su conexión, si la hay, con Oak Park, North City Farms, el Distrito Franklin y / o South Sacramento.Una carta de interés en formato .pdf.
CV o hoja de vida (máximo 2 páginas)
Portafolio (5 archivos de imagen de trabajo reciente, solo un trabajo o proyecto por archivo). Las imágenes deben ser JPEG o PDF etiquetadas con su apellido, nombre y título (LastName_FirstName_Title.jpg / LastName_FirstName_Title.pdf).
Tres referencias profesionales (nombre, título, correo electrónico, número de teléfono)
¿Hay una fecha límite para presentar la solicitud?
Sí, las solicitudes vencen con vencimiento el domingo, el 23 de febrero de 2025, 11:59 pm. No hay tarifa de presentación.
Anticipated Timeline:
RFQ Released: January 28, 2025
RFQ Deadline: February 23, 2025, 11:59 pm
Panel Review and Finalists Contacted: Week of February 24, 2025
Lead artists/teams selected & notified: By/Before the week of March 10, 2025
Contract agreements executed with FNDC: Week of March 17, 2025
Projects completed: By/Before June 15, 2025 as grant expires June 30, 2025
What if I need help or have more questions? If you need help with completing the application, or have questions about the RFQ or mural project, please email
¿Qué hago si necesito ayuda o tengo más preguntas? Si necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud, o tiene preguntas sobre la RFQ o el proyecto de mural, envíe un correo electrónico a
Project A - Sun & Design Mural

Above: Mural wall on 15th Ave Alley off of Franklin Blvd across from Self-Help Credit Union, and showing central panel.
Below: Original tile mural with sun to be reproduced without the fish.

Project A is a mural project on the rear wall of 3900 Franklin Boulevard. This wall is along 15th Ave. Alley facing the Self-Help Federal Credit Union. The wall has three stucco “panels” as shown in the photos above. The mural will be painted on the center “panel” which measures approximately 13’3” wide by 12’9” high. The mural will reproduce the sun from the original DDSO tile mural, shown above, but without the fish. The property owner would also like the artist to add some elements to the mural (potentially below the sun or to either side). The selected artist will be expected to work with FNDC and the property owner to obtain input, review, and approval of the final mural design including the sun and other elements.
The budget for the project is $7,000 through the Clean CA grant funding from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The artist will be paid 25% upon contract signing, 25% upon approval of final design, and 50% upon mural completion. The budget anticipates that the selected artist will provide the needed paint, supplies, and equipment to complete the mural. FNDC will take care of graffiti coating after completion of the mural. FNDC is also planning to assist the selected artist by removing the two wall tiles and repairing those stucco areas, and removing the bush in front of the wall space and smoothing the planter bed to create a flatter surface for ladders and painting supplies.
Project B - Tláloc Mural
Below: (On Right) Wall space on north side of Golden One Automotive Center at 24th Ave and Franklin Boulevard is where mural will be placed.
Below: (On Left) Original tile mural of Tlaloc to be reproduced.

Project B is a mural on the north facing wall of Golden One Automotive Machine Care at 4901 Franklin Boulevard, shown above. The mural space is approximately 12.5’ long by 10’ high. This mural will be a reproduction of the DDSO tile mural of Tláloc, the Mexica deity of earthly fertility and water, a giver of life and sustenance.
The budget for the project is $5,000 through the Clean CA grant funding from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The artist will be paid 25% upon contract signing, 25% upon approval of final design for reproducing the mural on the wall, and 50% upon mural completion. The selected artist will be expected to work with FNDC and the property owner to obtain input, review, and approval of a final design for how to reproduce the tile mural on the wall given the complexity of the original tile design. The budget anticipates that the selected artist will provide the needed paint, supplies, and equipment to complete the mural. FNDC will take care of graffiti coating the mural after completion.
